Me Time (2023)
Mark Wahlberg and Kevin Hart team up in this coming of adulthood comedy set in Los Angeles. This is the fifth time Mark and Mike Gunther have team up to bring action comedy to the screen. During pre-production, the team worked tirelessly to mix everyday life with the action of the real world. Mike...
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024)
"Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire," the latest installment in the beloved franchise, takes the iconic team to new heights—literally! Set against the backdrop of a frost-covered metropolis besieged by supernatural forces, the film's stunt action sequences are nothing short of spectacular. A standout...
Twisters (2024)
"Twisters," the highly anticipated sequel to the iconic 1996 film "Twister," delivers jaw-dropping action sequences that push the boundaries of natural disaster filmmaking. With cutting-edge technology and a top-notch stunt team, the film captures the sheer power and unpredictability of tornadic...
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley (2024)
"Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley" revitalizes the beloved action-comedy franchise with dazzling stunt sequences that underscore the film's thrilling dynamic. Eddie Murphy reprises his role as the street-smart Detective Axel Foley, who once again finds himself embroiled in an adrenaline-packed...
Dungeons & Dragons (2023)
The much-anticipated "Dungeons & Dragons" movie brings the legendary tabletop game to life on the big screen, packing it with immersive big screen action that enthralls fans old and new. Set in a mythical realm filled with dragons, magic, and uncharted territories, the film delivers...
The Lost City (2023)
"The Lost City," known for its exciting blend of comedy and action, has taken movie stunt work to new heights. The movie features Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum traversing treacherous jungles, navigating dangerous terrains, and escaping ambushes, all while maintaining an infectious rhythm of...
Film fans around the world have been patiently waiting Sony’s dark take on Morbius. With the Pandemic, many blockbuster films have been pushed back. In a recent report, Sony confirmed that “Morbius” is on track for a January 2022 release. Morbius starring Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Tyrese Gibson and...
Michael Bay has returned to set directing the first feature film shot in Los Angeles since the crash of the film industry caused by the pandemic. Bay of course lined up an all-star cast and crew to help him bring this action-drama remake to life. Ambulance is a French Film remake starring Jake...
Shang Chi: Legend of the Ten Rings
Shang Chi made a splash over the weekend with the release of the second trailer. From “Insider” to “MarvelNow” fans and critics are calling the revival of the villain the Mandarin as “Our best supervillain to date.” Marvel has announced that the project is still on track for a September 3rd 2021...
The Forever Purge
The final chapter in the Purge drops into theaters nationwide this Friday. 5150 Action and 2nd Unit Director Mike Gunther squared off with Blumhouse’s final chapter in early 2020. Due to the pandemic, this project was delayed by Universal Studios but with the rise of cinema it makes perfect sense...
A Quiet Place: Part II
A Quiet Place: Part II, directed by John Krasinski and starring Emily Blunt smashed the box office as a pre-summer blockbuster. The project has made 341 Million USD worldwide to date with 192 Million of that coming from U.S. theaters. 5150 Action and 2nd Unit Director Mike Gunther helped string...
Mike Gunther and Marvel Studios
Mike Gunther and the 5150 Action Team have arrived in San Francisco. Marvel Studios has inked a deal with Gunther to film in San Francisco for the next three weeks helping finish Shang Chi: Legend of the ten Rings. This scene is under heavy NDA restrictions but with Mike Gunther’s heavyweight...
Rogue Warfare: Death of a Nation Releases
Rogue Warfare: Death of a nation – releases on Apple and Amazon over the weekend holding the top three most watched features over the weekend. After the success of the first two films it’s no surprise that with the release of the third installment in the Rogue Warfare Trilogy 5150 Action...
Rogue Warfare: The Hunt, dominates Netflix snagging the number 1 spot over the weekend.
It’s all congrats and celebration at the 5150 Action Productions office this hot Monday morning in Los Angeles. Rogue Warfare: The Hunt (Mike Gunther Director) was released on Netflix over the weekend. With the cult success of the first film “Rogue Warfare” last fall viewers quickly jumped on...
A Quite Place Part 2:
Mike Gunther and 5150 Action’s summer project has been pushed back. John Krasinski behind the camera with Mike Gunther 2nd Unit Directing in Buffalo saw amazing footage with a new plot twist that is going to have Quiet Place fans reeling across the country. With Covid-19 this release date has...
Universal Studio: Fast and Furious: Supercharged
Universal Studios has announced they will be adding an additional ride to their theme parks next summer. Fast and Furious the Ride is an action packed virtual tram ride that will be added on the studio tour. Mike Gunther and his 5150 Action team designed the action thrills at every second of this...
Purge 2: Anarchy
Purge 2 Anarchy cross 100 million box office worldwide this past weekend. Mike Gunther and his 5150 Action team delivered heart pounding action though out the film. The massive subway battle was shot and designed by Mike Gunther and left Purge fans at the edge of their seats during the film....
Transformers 4
Mike Gunther, interview featured on IMDB and Collider Magazine. Find out what it takes to bring high speed, explosive action to the screen. Exclusive interview with Mike Gunther and Michael Bay on the set of Transformers 4. Link to article below....
Star Trek Beyond
It’s finally here! Star Trek Beyond hits theaters this Friday. Mike Gunther and his 5150 Action team could not be more proud of a project. We traveled the globe and went to the depths of space to bring you BEYOND! This film is more than just another installment of a fantastic franchise, it’s a...
With an exciting close out to 2018, Bumblebee scored a 94% overall review from Rotten Tomatoes. Hailee Steinfield and John Cena, both leads in this action-packed heart felt story about a young girl and her new-found friend Bumblebee. This is 5150 Actions 3rd Transformers film to date and with the...
Bad Boys For Life
2019 is off to a crazy start as, 5150 Action can official announce that Mike Gunther and his action team have signed on to the action-packed franchise Bad Boys. This film will be the third installment in the Bad Boys franchise and between us, it is going to blow you away. Mike Gunther is set to...